Friday, February 25, 2011

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang As Well as Some Other Things

When you think of Robert Downey Jr., These days, you think of Iron Man, Due Date, maybe you even saw the Soloist. What probably doesn't come to mind is his 2005 effort as Harry Lockhart in Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. But I'll be damned if it isn't his best performance yet. Not to mention, Val Kilmer is in top form as Gay Perry the private detective. Anyway, the movie is about a small time burglar from New York who gets caught up in a Hollywood murder mystery. It's a pretty standard plot, with a few decent twists and turns, but what really stands out about the movie is the performance of Kilmer and Downey Jr. They play up the whole buddy cop stereotype perfectly (even though neither of them are cops). The banter is so quick witted and funny, and Shane Black, the man who brought us Lethal Weapon, directs perfectly. See this movie, you'll probably love it.

As I'm writing this, Jurassic park is on the TV. Man, that is one great movie as well. The dinosaurs look as good as anything done today. The T-Rex's roar still gives me chills. And who doesn't love Sam Neill. Oh, and Jeff Goldblum too. Anyway, tomorrow I think I'll write about ......something.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Game of Thrones and the End of Dead Space 2

So, Game of Thrones is coming to HBO in April. It's definitely my most anticipated show of the year. Hopefully it will live up to the hype. More importantly, I hope the A Dance With Dragons, the fifth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series, will do the same. Calling the series A Game of Thrones is probably a better idea than Song of Ice and Fire. Given the choice between the TV series and the next book, I would definitely get George R.R. Martin on the phone and force him to finish the book. If you haven't read the first four books of A Song of Ice and Fire yet, you are wrong. The books are great. Even if you don;t like fantasy, there is a ton of material to sink your teeth into. They definitely kept me up until late at night before I could put them down.

On a more Science Fiction note, I finished Dead Space 2 today. The last hour of the game was incredibly intense. The final boss left something to be desire, though. Why is it all games have to have a final boss? A final event does the same thing, and may fit the story better. Anyway, I digest (joke). Now I have to decide whether or not to play it on hardcore mode. Only 3 saves, limited ammo, limited health. Sounds tough.

Sorry for the grammar in this one. I'm writing it right before I go to sleep and am not thinking that well. Tomorrow I'm thinking about writing about a movie. Which one? I have no idea.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Giants and other stuff.

Spring training is in full force which means that baseball is back. And thank God. I like football, don't get me wrong, but the media goes a little overboard with football coverage. So it's nice to know that other options are now available for sports fans. (I like hockey as well, but don't expect to see any major coverage of it here in the States)

So, Pablo "The Panda" Sandoval has dropped 45 pounds of fat in three months. Not too shabby. Although the fact that a professional athlete weighed 279 pounds is just a little ridiculous. Buster Posey appears to be assuming the leadership role that was forming last season, and hey that means only good things for the squad. Rowand's back, so that's too bad. Maybe he can be good trade bait this year, but most teams don't want to take a $24 million contract for an aging player with lackluster numbers. Looks like all the pitchers are finding their groove fairly quickly, which is reassuring after their heavy workload last year. Hopefully Bumgarner and Lincecum's arms can hold up.

I haven't yet decided what I'm gonna write about tomorrow. Maybe the SJ Sharks, maybe Battlestar Galactica. Me and my girlfriend are about to start the tv series Angel, so maybe I can write about that. See you tomorrow. (Man I want to buy Killzone 3). Ya know, I think I'll talk about Game of Thrones.

Monday, February 21, 2011

New Blog - Dead Space 2

Hello, and welcome to my new blog. Over the next 12 days I will be covering a wide variety of topics, including politics, sports, games, movies, tv, and more. Obviously, I am not important enough for many people to read this blog, and honestly, I'm only doing it for my IS 101 class. I hope you enjoy reading this blog.

First up, I will be talking about Dead Space 2, a game I just started on the PS3. If you haven't heard about Dead Space 2, its about a guy trying to survive in a space station against horrible monstrosities. It's actually a bit more complicated than that, but that's all you need to know for now. 1 minute into the game and you know what you're in for. I won't spoil it, for those of you who haven't played it, but let's just say some poor guy is having an awful headache.

Anyone who has played the original Dead Space will feel right at home in Dead Space 2. All of the game mechanics are the same, with a few helpful changes every now and then. Few games have ever done atmosphere as well as Dead Space 2. You really feel like you are stuck on this space station that has been thrown into chaos. If you have a weak heart, you may want to refrain from playing this game. There is a great deal of tension and jump scares throughout the game.
I hope you have enjoyed my first blog. Tomorrow I will probably talk about the Giants spring training or something. I make no promises.