Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Giants and other stuff.

Spring training is in full force which means that baseball is back. And thank God. I like football, don't get me wrong, but the media goes a little overboard with football coverage. So it's nice to know that other options are now available for sports fans. (I like hockey as well, but don't expect to see any major coverage of it here in the States)

So, Pablo "The Panda" Sandoval has dropped 45 pounds of fat in three months. Not too shabby. Although the fact that a professional athlete weighed 279 pounds is just a little ridiculous. Buster Posey appears to be assuming the leadership role that was forming last season, and hey that means only good things for the squad. Rowand's back, so that's too bad. Maybe he can be good trade bait this year, but most teams don't want to take a $24 million contract for an aging player with lackluster numbers. Looks like all the pitchers are finding their groove fairly quickly, which is reassuring after their heavy workload last year. Hopefully Bumgarner and Lincecum's arms can hold up.

I haven't yet decided what I'm gonna write about tomorrow. Maybe the SJ Sharks, maybe Battlestar Galactica. Me and my girlfriend are about to start the tv series Angel, so maybe I can write about that. See you tomorrow. (Man I want to buy Killzone 3). Ya know, I think I'll talk about Game of Thrones.

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