Thursday, February 24, 2011

Game of Thrones and the End of Dead Space 2

So, Game of Thrones is coming to HBO in April. It's definitely my most anticipated show of the year. Hopefully it will live up to the hype. More importantly, I hope the A Dance With Dragons, the fifth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series, will do the same. Calling the series A Game of Thrones is probably a better idea than Song of Ice and Fire. Given the choice between the TV series and the next book, I would definitely get George R.R. Martin on the phone and force him to finish the book. If you haven't read the first four books of A Song of Ice and Fire yet, you are wrong. The books are great. Even if you don;t like fantasy, there is a ton of material to sink your teeth into. They definitely kept me up until late at night before I could put them down.

On a more Science Fiction note, I finished Dead Space 2 today. The last hour of the game was incredibly intense. The final boss left something to be desire, though. Why is it all games have to have a final boss? A final event does the same thing, and may fit the story better. Anyway, I digest (joke). Now I have to decide whether or not to play it on hardcore mode. Only 3 saves, limited ammo, limited health. Sounds tough.

Sorry for the grammar in this one. I'm writing it right before I go to sleep and am not thinking that well. Tomorrow I'm thinking about writing about a movie. Which one? I have no idea.

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