Saturday, March 5, 2011

127 Hours, Maybe My Favorite Film of the Year

Sorry about yesterday's post. The font wen really weird. I'm not quite sure what happened.

Anyway. today I would like to start by talking to you about 127 Hours, the film about Aron Ralston. Some of you may know about this movie, or about Aron Ralston. For those of you who don't, Ralston is famous for having to cut his arm off with a rusty mutli-tool in order to escape from a rock that was pinning his right arm. He was pinned for five days before he did that. Anyway, the movie is by Danny Boyle. He is most known for directing Slumdog Millionaire and 28 Days Later. Personally, his best work might be Trainspotting. 127 Hours stars James Franco as Aron Ralston, the unfortunate wildlife-o-phile.

There are two things that make this movie so special. The first is the  powerhouse performance delivered by Franco. Much of the movie takes place in this tiny little ravine, and he is alone. Franco uses only a camera to totally let us in on what Aron is thinking and feeling at the time. The second most important thing about this film is the direction by Danny Boyle. Holy crap does that man direct the hell out of this movie. Every scene is well thought out, and the last fifteen minutes grab you by the chest and make you want to leap for joy.

I think I'll leave you with this. How impressive is it that the audience seems to want to cheer once Aron decides to cut his arm off. Not because they want to see gore, but because they want to see him succeed.

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