Monday, March 21, 2011

Dragon Age II

The other day I began playing Dragon Age II with a great sense of trepidation. I absolutely loved the first Dragon Age. I played it for more hours than I care to admit. Adding to my fear, the reviews for the game were all fairly critical of the changes that have been made. So it was with great nervousness that I marched down to the local best buy and plopped down a few gift certificates to buy Dragon Age II.

Boy am I glad I made the leap. It is a fantastic game. There are changes and some of them are slightly disappointing, but most of them are equal to or better than its predecessor. I'm finding myself firmly logged in to the new characters far more than most of the cast from the first game. (The only interesting characters in the first game were Morrigan, Anders, and Loghain. Wynne wasn't bad, but her back story left me a little bored and confused.) Dragon Age II's protagonist, Hawke, may not be as much of "my" character as the Grey Warden from the first game, but he/she is an incredibly interesting character nonetheless.

Anyway, I'm about 2/3 of the way through Dragon Age II and I am really loving it. Best of all, it is a long game. I'm always disappointed when great games fizzle out after a few hours.

OOOh, had some Hamburger Helper today. Delicious

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